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Natural Disasters   |   Acts of Terror


The ECM team has the skills and experience to prepare and implement Disaster Preparedness Plans and Response and Recovery

Programs for our clients. We have provided disaster management services for natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes,

as well as acts of terror. We apply project management principles  to an emergency response to bring order to the chaos and

provide responders with clear direction and focus. 

Hurricane Sandy 2012.jpg

Our experience with hurricanes such as Katrina, Rita and Sandy, the earthquake in Haiti and the terror attack at the Westgate Mall in Kenya has taught us that planning and training for these types of events is critical to the success of the response. The ECM Team can provide clients with a comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Plan that will minimize loss and allow for rapid

assessment and deployment of resources.

Natural Disaster Services

  • Damage Assessments

  • Environmental Assessments

  • Emergency Environmental Assessment & Response

  • Emergency Engineering Services

  • Emergency Power Supply

  • Economic Recovery Planning and Assessment

  • Risk Mitigation Planning and Protection

  • 1st Responder Support

  • Power System Assessments

  • Safety Assessments and Engineering

  • Debris Management

    • Demolition Planning and Oversight

    • Green” demolition

    • De-commission structures for hazardous substance removal

    • Manage debris removal services

  • Public Assistance Program Support

  • Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning Support

  • Redevelopment Assistance

  • Project and Construction Management

  • Modular Housing/Buildings

    • With  Stalwart’s Patented Building Science process, SGG delivers building solutions that  exceed most recognized standards of green, are cost-efficient, stronger, healthier, lower in  maintenance, more durable, and which have a faster build time. Partner with Stalwart Green Global International to build high performance homes/buildings that reduce energy and water consumption.


Acts of Terror Services

  • Forensic Assessments

  • Emergency response training

  • Assist with establishing an inter-agency security process that coordinates efforts between police, military and local security.

  • Provide training in counter-terrorism and emergency response protocols

  • Build security infrastructure into architectural design/redesign

  • Provide Mobile Command Centers

  • Provide state of the art security system equipment

    • Cold Spray fire equipment

    • Chassis Trac portable devices

    • Handheld ID scan system

    • Interior/Exterior patrol units

    • Baggage scan

    • Fast flow vehicle system

    • Fingerprint ID

    • Vehicle authorization


Disaster Management Projects

ECM, along with  team members P-Strada and Solutient , have partnered with disaster management companies such as Louis Berger, Novaces and Homeland Intelligence Technologies to provide world-class services to it's clients. Examples of past performance:

  • During Hurricanes Katrina Rita ECM provided QA/QC Debris Monitoring to the Corps of Engineers for a project in Orleans Parish, and similar projects for Corps of Engineers’ prime contractors’ major projects. These projects required the team to mobilize several hundred persons to provide the menu of Debris Monitoring, Assessment, Project Safety and Quality Control Management services including Quality Control Supervision, Contractor Oversight, Overall Site Safety Management, Disposal Site Management and Pre- and Post- Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) Assessments. These Orleans Parish  projects involved the demolition of hundreds of structures and selective salvage of specific items of historical significance in conjunction with the decommissioning, demolition and debris removal in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local requirements. The contract required the repair of all roadways, sidewalks, utilities, drainage structures and other features not designated for demolition or removal, which were damaged by contractor operations.


  • As part of the Make IT Right Foundation – non-profit founded by Brad Pitt in 2007 to aid in the environmentally friendly rebuilding of New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward after Katrina – worked to provide modular housing for displaced residents.


  • After the earthquake in Haiti in 2012, ECM, along with the PHS Group and USAID, provided PM oversight, performed security vulnerability site assessments and provided value engineering and housing modifications to provide shelter for displaced residents. ECM also developed constructability reviews, comprehensive damage assessment and cost estimates for orphanage reconstruction, the airport runway, road systems, hospital rehabilitation, and waterline development.


  • As part of the Emergency Response Team for the terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Kenya in 2013, the ECM Team contracted with the Regional Disaster Management Center of Excellent (RDMCOE) under the leadership of Col Shem Amadi. The team was charged with developing a strategic plan/strategic objectives and participating in the implementation of the mission plan to strengthen the regional capacity for disaster mitigation, preparedness and response, as well as reduce disaster impact through enhanced regional capacity and cooperation and boost disaster management capability for sustainable regional development.




Natural Disasters
Post Acts of Terror Services

It is our belief that given the importance and significance of preserving humanity and the environment, it is worthwhile to invest in and join every effort necessary to reduce human suffering and the extreme cost that is incurred when disasters strike.

 Colonel Shem Amadi

RDMCOE Director

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828.734.1529 [USA]

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